
When exporting from your registers to reports, your carefully crafted prose extoling the virtues of little Jemima's beginner stage triangle playing are sadly cut off mid flow, denying her adoring parents the full benefit of your predictions for her guaranteed future career as principal 3rd triangle in the Bognor Regis Civic Percussion Ensemble.


In the very first comments box, ensure you have a whole load of words. If you have written a comment in there, pad it out with a load of rubbish (press the ā€˜Zā€™ key and count to 100). Stupidly Microsoft Word sets the maximum number of characters exportable from the contents of this first comment box.

If you are not writing a comment for the first child, fill their comment box with **** anyway and remember to include it as one of the reports you select to create.

If you ARE writing a comment for the first child, PLEASE remember to delete the **** from the word document before sending it on.