How do I use Google Meet?

Log on as Your password is something like penguin246disco

Does your browser get confused with different accounts? Signing out of one and into another? Why not download a separate browser for all things Google Meet? Recommendations include Chrome  Edge and Brave 
(32 bit for HMS tablets)

Teacher instructions here - PDF download
Teacher safe guarding document - PDF download
Parents / carers safe guarding document and instructions - PDF download 
(but please do not give parents access to this web page page)

Video about how to use Google Meet

This includes how to solve

  • 'Meet doesn't work on your browser' problem and
  • What to do if you are always sideways on your tablet


Grid View

View everyone in the meeting on the screen - all at once
Great for teaching even one-2-one sessions as you can see a full fize picture of yourself and the student(s) at the same time

This is a Chrome browser extension. You can use it in Chrome, Edge (new version) and Brave and you can download it from here

(Please see above for installing other browsers)

Video about Grid View - downloading - installing - using


Grid view wont work! :(

Uninstall then re-install

  1. type the folloing into the address bar of either Chrome or Edge   chrome://extensions
  2. remove Grid View
  3. go here
    and re-install


Schedule meetings in advance using the calendar

Help save time and reduce stress – for both you and parents ? Even if you already know how to schedule meetings, PLEASE READ the essential safeguarding and GDPR info below first

Thanks to some changes to the security settings on Google Meet, it is now possible to schedule lessons. It may take you a few minutes to set everything up, but once done, it will save you time and stress when teaching :)

  • Each child / group has a unique room code – which stays the same each lesson, week after week
  • Lessons and so rooms can be set to recur on a weekly basis – again, same code each time
  • Parents / students wishing to enter still have to wait for you to let them in (participants from outside HMS)
  • As the teacher, you can instantly join the pre-prepared room from either the list of upcoming sessions listed in Google Meet, or direct from Calendar, without having to email the link out every time

Essential safeguarding and GDPR info

When scheduling lessons it is essential that:

  • When creating a scheduled lesson, DO NOT invite guests. Doing so gives parents / pupils ‘ownership’ of the room and access any time and without your permission or knowledge.
  • Instead, just email them the code. Accessing the room from ‘outside of HMS’ will mean that students / parents are asked to wait until they are admitted.

When you end lessons, it is best practise to ‘remove’ participants rather than just letting them leave, (see video for how) and always make sure you are the last to leave - don’t just ‘hang up’

  • This prevents re-entry to the room without your permission
  • Being the last to leave stops the call and also stops recording on your exit - this also stops any risk of the call continuing to be recorded without the knowledge or permission of parents / children.

It may be that you are already familiar with how to schedule lessons, but PLEASE do follow these instructions carefully. YES, there are other ways of achieving this – possibly ‘better’ in some people’s eyes, but this method ensures that you will be scheduling safely without the risk of leaving rooms open and unattended, inadvertently sharing email addresses, unintentionally giving unauthorised access to video recordings etc.

Thank you!


So, how do I schedule lessons?   Step by step instructions

Watch a video on how to below, but also download the PDF for reference

Do this once for each lesson to set up all subsequent weeks

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the day that you want to schedule the event for
  3. Add a title – i.e. Mary Smith, Underhill Jnr
  4. Click the big blue ‘Add Google Meet video conferencing’ button
  5. Click ‘More options’
  6. Remove tick from ‘All day’ and set a start time above (end time can be left as is)
  7. Click on ‘Does not repeat’ and select ‘Custom’
  8. Ensure setting are ‘Repeat every 1 week’
  9. Ends ‘On’ – and select 22 July
  10. Click ‘Done’
  11. DO NOT add any guests!
  12. Type or paste in email address(es) of parents into the ‘Add description box’ (This makes it easy to find contact details should you need to re-schedule a session)
  13. Click save

Joining a room that you have scheduled

  • The ‘Google Meet’ home page always shows the next session scheduled – click on it to start the session (remembering to start recording!)
  • If you are late starting, or need to start a different lesson, go to calendar ( click on the event and then click on ‘Join with Google Meet’

When you end lessons, it is best practise to ‘remove’ participants rather than just letting them leave, (see video for how) and always make sure you are the last to leave - don’t just ‘hang up’

  • This prevents re-entry to the room without your permission
  • Being the last to leave stops the call and also stops recording on your exit - this stops any risk of continuing to record without the knowledge or permission of parents / children.

Extras things you can do

  • You can delete a scheduled lesson – either a single instance or all in the series
  • You can change the day / time of a scheduled lesson without changing the room code
  • You can select ‘week’ view or ‘day’ view in Calendar if it gets too crowded on month view
  • Open a tab with google calendar and PIN it (right click on the tab and click ‘Pin’) and it will always be there – clicking on a scheduled lesson will open it in another tab
  • Watch yourself in action! Re-visit a lesson in calendar that you previously scheduled and taught and click on the red icon to watch...... (if you dare!)

Suggested email wording to send out to parents with their room code

Subject: Online HMS music lessons – room codes


Just a quick email to explain about how Google Meet rooms arrangements for HMS online lessons will work for the rest of the term.

Please click on the link below at the appointed time. You will be asked to wait until allowed in. This waiting period 'times out' after a minute or so, so you may need to request entry again. If I am unavoidably late please accept my apologies! If I am not with you 10 minutes after the lesson time, please feel free to send me a chasing email to

This room *should* remain the same code for the rest of this term.... (fingers crossed...) so please make a note of it somewhere.

Looking forward to seeing you next lesson,

Best wishes,


Link and lesson here

(You can copy this from the calendar, but please delete the   ?hs=122&authuser=0  bit)