HMS Tablet acceptable use policy


1.       HMS tablets are issued to staff on the explicit understanding that the tablet and all accompanying software and accessories remain the property of HMS.  To this end please keep all packaging for when the equipment needs to be returned.

2.       Tablets are provided to HMS teachers for use in connection with their work for HMS, specifically pupil registers, work emails, teaching resources, reporting and assessment, PR forms (and any other tasks developed over time).

3.       The tablet remains the responsibility of the member of staff throughout the period of its use and must not be used by any third party. Cases are supplied for the protection of the 8” tablets which are not to be carried in bags or pockets without being inside their case.

4.       Physical security, protection and condition of the tablet and its contents remain the responsibility of the member of staff at all times.

5.       Tablets run the Windows 10 operating system which requires an internet connection to update. Your registers and PR forms also require an internet connection to send weekly security backups to HMS. Please ensure that your tablet is connected to the internet at least once a week for an hour. To help it download larger updates it may be necessary to leave it connected for longer periods of time once in a while.

6.       HMS periodically releases tablet updates which may fix bugs or improve functionality. Please ensure you action these updates within the requested time frame.

7.       The tablet screen lock will engage 15 minutes after last being used. To comply with data protection you must ensure that you do not leave the tablet unlocked when unattended.

8.       In the event of the tablet not working please email with Lynx Tablet as the subject.

9.       Although the built in anti-virus will afford a degree of protection, it is your responsibility to surf the web responsibly.

10.    HMS have not imposed restrictions on the tablets’ use, making it possible to install other software and apps. However, remember that it is primarily for use in relation to HMS work and must not be compromised by any private usage.

11.    HMS is providing all their staff with work e mail addresses . These accounts can at times be monitored by senior HMS staff as required. This is in order that they can be safely used to communicate with pupils, schools and parents. It is expected that all email communication from HMS and between colleagues, pupils, schools and parents will be through this email account. During term time it is to be considered an expectation that e mails are checked and answered within 72 hours. If in any doubt about how to answer emails from parents or pupils please check with your team leader before sending.

12.    Your HMS email password will need to be changed every 3 months or so. Please ensure you action password change requests within the specified time frame to avoid your account becoming inaccessible because of password expiration.

13.    Be aware that in the rare case of any allegations against a teacher, the tablet would almost certainly be subpoenaed and all use scrutinised.

14.    The tablets are capable of sound and video recording. Before videoing or photographing children, you need their permission, written permission from parents /guardians and permission from the school.  Audio recordings can be used more freely taking account of copyright laws.

Ensure that you have checked the suitability of any on line content, for example YouTube clips, before sharing with students