1. Connect to the internet
  2. Double tap on the green arrow 'Submit registers'
  3. Your tablet will check for internet connectivity and start sending
    If it finds a problem connecting, it will tell you and prompt you to retry
  4. The receiving email servers allow a certain amount of time for the registers to complete sending. If the whole message is not sent quickly enough it 'times out' and tries again
  5. If two attempts fail it tries sending registers in one at a time. This reduces the size of each message reducing the time required to send

If you still cannot send try the following;

  1. Move nearer to the router and try again
  2. Shut down and restart both your router and tablet and try again
  3. Speak nicely to a neighbour and try sending via their wifi
  4. Visit somewhere that offers free wifi and try sending from there

You can also try sending them via the 'Registers - send 1 only' icon

If all else fails please ask for help!