How do I access the cloud

Visit and log on as forname.surname Your password was originally Rookwood9896 but you should change that - click on your initial (top right), then settings, then security.

Accessing folders

Click on the folders icon in the left-hand side of the top purple bar. There are some generic folders (Documents and Photos) and three 'Nextcloud' files - including a manual - ignore these.

Amongst others, you should also see your 'named' folder (where uploaded videos will be), and the 'Instrumental and vocal teaching'. You will also see the L2M folder, and some other folders that will be populated sometime soon.

Remember, all of the files and folders within 'Instrumental and vocal teaching' (including your instrument team folder) are read only and so you can't accidentally delete them!

Videos - of children playing / singing

Parents will be invited to submit videos of their children playing their instruments/singing. These will be the same children that you teach in schools every week. Once a video has been submitted, the parent will email your HMS account to alert you. We have stated that they will only be guaranteed a response to one video per week. Parents will not be expecting elegant prose - a series of bullet points will help you to be succinct, but please keep it positive.

  • If the video 'buffers' and won't play, try downloading it onto your HMS tablet first.
  • When writing a comment on a performance, please do so by email - parents/children won't be able to see comments you make directly on videos in the cloud.
  • Parents should email you when there is a video waiting - there won't be an automatic notification.


Feedback to parents / children

When giving email feedback, please remember to use praise as appropriate. Although the aim is to continue with the same rigour as usual, don't forget to encourage as well. You might perhaps start with positives and then work towards improvements points. Make sure you are clear about what needs to be improved, and how. If you require them to start playing new material, please specify what.

You may feel more comfortable recording an audio response. This could also include you demonstrating on your instrument. Use 'Voice Recorder' on your tablet for this:

How to record an audio response

  • Click the microphone to start recording
  • Click the microphone again to stop
  • Right click (long tap) on the file name (Recording - with date and time) for option to rename
  • Right click (long tap) on the file name to open the recording location - and make a note of it so you can attach to an email.

It is also possible to record a video clip - this could be especially useful when modelling a particular point. Please upload any clips to the folder 'Teacher Videos' located within your own 'named' folder and share from there (see above for instructions).

Try and keep these 'generic' as possible as you might want to re-use them or share them to a wider HMS audience. Do let your instrumental lead know if you have uploaded something you feel will be useful to others. Please see below for how to upload content to your folder on the cloud

Video showing how to record a video response on your tablet


Sharing files from the cloud

Hopefully you will have discovered some new inspiration in the cloud resources. You can share specific files from here via a link. This is easier than trying to explain which resource you want a pupil to access.

  • Find the resource in the folder
  • Click on the 'sideways V with bobbles' (share) or the chain links or the 'H' in a circle
  • If necessary, click on the '+' to the right of 'Share Link'
  • Click on the 'Clip board' icon to copy the link, and then paste into your reply to parents.

Video showing how to share files on the cloud


Uploading to your folder in the cloud - from a tablet / pc / mac

  • Navigate to your 'Teacher Videos' folder
  • Click on the '+' and then 'Upload files'
  • Use the window that opens to naviage the file
  • Click an the file and click 'open' and it will upload
  • Alternatively, just 'drag' the file into the windows that is open displaying the contents of the 'Teacher Videos' folder

Video showing how to upload to the cloud from tablet / pc / mac


Uploading to the cloud - from a phone

Please this web page for step by step instructions

They are written specifically for parents to upload their videos for you, but if you open your own cloud teacher folder on your phone, the rest of the instructions are the same.