Performance Management paperwork 2019 onwards

QUICKSTART GUIDE - please also refer to the guidance embeded in the PR form itself

Navigating the form

·         Visit the different pages by clicking on the big buttons on the top row.

·         PR Process’ and ‘PR Tools should be referred to for an overview of the PR process

·         Whilst ‘Teacher Standards 1 and 2’ are different for each of UQ/MS, UPR and Leadership, the ‘Current objectives’, ‘New objectives’ and ‘Contacts log’ are the same across all forms.

·         If the text too small, use the + and – buttons (top right)

Saving the form

Tap on ‘Save to PR folder’ (located at the top of the form) – This saves it to C:\RegisterAndReporting\PerformanceReview, as Forename Surname Teacher no date + time

i.e. Percy Peters - 2345 - 2018 - 24 Apr 2017 - 21.52

N.B. only the most recently saved form will be here - all previously saved versions – of any name - are kept in a ‘Backup’ folder within this folder

Emailing the form

Only use the ‘Save form and send by email’  button on the overview sheet to send between reviewer and reviewee. This ensures that you are sending the current form and not any other out of date version

Filling in the form

Select the relevant page and click in the box - areas you can type into are white

Teacher Standards 1

Supply evidence against the descriptors on the left. Remember that it is not necessary to comment in every single box (instructions as to how many to complete are at the top of each page.) Reviewers will add their observations as applicable.

Teacher Standards 2

Please do not evidence these unless specifically asked to do so by your performance reviewer, but do be aware of their content.

Current objectives

These will have been agreed with your reviewer at your last review and your objectives will have been broken down into interim milestones and an end of review quantifier. Please evidence how you have fulfilled these. Your reviewer will add their comments too.

(Ongoing training needs will have been identified in the previous review and carried forward here)

New objectives

These are identified and agreed at the end of year review meeting and completed as part of the review process.

Please ensure that the interim milestones and end of year objectives have been clearly identified, along with any ongoing training needs.

Contacts log

Record interim contact conversations / emails (cut and paste via notepad) lesson observations and end of year review discussions here.

Spell Check

You can Spell Check the entire document from the ‘Overview sheet’


IF you need to, you can print different sections from the ‘Overview sheet’

Submitting your PR form

You may be asked, at any time of the year, to submit your PR form. Use the purple ‘Mid cycle PR form submission button‘ on the overview page for this.

At the end of the cycle you will be required to submit your PR form.

Please ensure that your ‘New objectives’ have been completed and split down into interim 1, 2 and end of review statements, ready to be imported into your new form next year.

Use the green ‘FINAL end of cycle submission’ button for this. If you (or your reviewer!) hasn’t completed something correctly, you will receive a message. Once any outstanding information has been completed you will be able to submit your form.