
The HMS reporting system is integrated into the HMS registers. Provided you have kept all necessary information up to date it will help you quickly produce and email the following types of written reports.

  • Full HMS reports – once a year
  • End of Stage reports
  • Detailed information for schools - Spring and Summer terms


Reports and Stages page
The ‘Reports and Stages’ page of the register is where you record data about stage progress and input the information that is used to generate reports

  • the mauve coloured columns need completing for FULL HMS reports
  • the blue coloured columns need completing for END OF STAGE reports
  • the only column needed for both is WORKING LEVEL NOW
  • working level ‘now’ is added just before you produce either type of reports
  • current stage / grade progress allows you to keep up to date records of progress and keeps a running total This information appears on the end of stage report
  • the set of statements starting ‘Performing musically’ require you to input a number; 1 to 4.
    this translates into Excellent, Good, Satisfactory or Development needed on the reports
  • ensemble membership allows you to log both school and HMS membership with optional ensemble recommendations

Termly targets and comments

Please ensure you complete all information for reports within the register.
When you come to generating reports please DO NOT add comments and targets into the word document report afterwards as they won’t be linked with your register. Instead, please enter them directly into the register

Details about how to create reports appear later on in this guide

Creating reports

Your register has been designed to complete a lot of the more mundane and repetitive aspects of report writing, saving you valuable time.

You can create four different types of reports which can be accessed by tapping on the ‘Reporting’ button

  • FULL HMS reports for parents
  • END OF STAGE reports for parents (new)
  • DETAILED SUMMARY for schools


Create FULL HMS reports for parents

This will create a word document with a single page for every child on the register, and follows the familiar HMS report format.

Please note that you will need to complete the more personalised areas of ‘termly targets’ and ‘comments’ within the reporting page of the register keeping everything together in one place. (remember also that this information is also used for Y6 transfer data).

  • on the main register page make sure you have completed;
    Forename, Surname, N/C year, Instrument code, Year of study, Working level  ‘Start’
  • tap the ‘Reporting’ button (top right)
  • ensure the following are completed; (they are all mauve)
  • working level now
  • the eight columns immediately after attendance – starting with ‘Performing Musically and ending with ‘Overall progress’
    (Use a number between 1 and 4;    1 being ‘Excellent’ and 4 being ‘Requires Improvement’ )
  • if applicable add the names of the HMS / School / other ensembles they are members of.
  • if applicable add ensemble recommendations
  • ensure that the relevant termly targets are present
  • add comments


  • when ready tap ‘Create reports’. If nothing seems to happen you may need to tap on the word document icon at the bottom of the screen
  • now you can choose which children to create reports for; by default all children are selected but you can deselect them all and select individuals as required
  • clicking ‘ok’ will merge all the information held on each child from your register into a Word document which will be saved to your reports storage folder
  • the completed report will remain open on the screen but may be hidden behind your register so you may need to tap on the word document icon at the bottom of the screen to view it

Things to note

newly created reports are not linked to the register, so they won’t automatically update if you change information in the register – and vice versa
each time you create a new set of reports from the register for the same school, it is saved as a slightly different file name, so there is no risk of losing previously created reports

Create END OF STAGE reports for parents

This creates a ‘snapshot’ of a child’s progress once they have completed a stage and can be produced very quickly with little extra effort. These should only be produced once a stage has been completed.

follow the step by step instructions for FULL HMS reports, but ensure that you have also completed the ‘last stage completed’ and ‘Current stage progress’ columns
beyond this you do not need to add any extra information to produce a complete report
Create a DETAILED SUMMARY for schools
This exports a spreadsheet containing all the information on the reporting page.

·         ideal for when you are asked for a list of current pupils and their standards, and very useful for schools to keep tabs on who is learning, what standards they are, attendance etc.

Create Y6 transfer reports
This produces transfer information on all your Y6 students. HMS will create these over the Summer from your register, but you can make them too from here if needed.

Send reports by email

  • save and close the report(s)
  • start – Mail and create a new email
  • tap ‘Insert’ and ‘Paperclip’
  • on the left hand side of the window that appears scroll to the top and tap on 'Desktop' Then double click 'Report storage in the right hand pane
  • pressing and holding ‘ctrl’ on the keyboard allows you to tap and select multiple files
  • enter the recipients email address and a subject and send as normal

Please remember that all of the reports that the register produces are saved inside the ‘Reports folder’ and can be printed or emailed.

Extra useful information

If you have more than 75 students in a school you will need to complete a second register. In order to differentiate between the two and ensure one does not overwrite the other please proceed as follows;

  • when you enter your name add a ‘1’ to your first name for the first register and a ‘2’ for the second
  • register 1 for the school becomes Dave 1              Smith
  • register 2 for the school becomes Dave 2              Smith
  • Please do not add a number to your surname
  • you can ‘zoom’ in and out on either of the screens – but only if you have a cell ‘selected’
  • if you can’t zoom, try tapping on a cell that you can edit and then zoom
  • use the up and down arrows at the top of the columns to sort various columns alphabetically – i.e. surname, instrument, NC year etc.
  • you can spell check your comments and targets from the ‘Reports and Stages’ page
  • word should also have a spellchecker installed. If you suspect that yours is not working, please ask for help
  • the ‘home’ icon takes you back to the top left of the page

Comments in reports truncated


When exporting from your registers to reports, your carefully crafted prose extoling the virtues of little Jemima's beginner stage triangle playing are sadly cut off mid flow, denying her adoring parents the full benefit of your predictions for her guaranteed future career as principal 3rd triangle in the Bognor Regis Civic Percussion Ensemble.


In the very first comments box, ensure you have a whole load of words. If you have written a comment in there, pad it out with a load of rubbish (press the ‘Z’ key and count to 100) Stupidly Microsoft Word sets the maximum number of characters exportable from the contents of this first comment box.

If you are not writing a comment for the first child, fill their comment box with **** anyway and remember to include it as one of the reports you select to create.

If you ARE writing a comment for the first child, PLEASE remember to delete the **** from the word document before sending it on.